Friday, May 30, 2014


While I haven't posted on this blog in awhile due to my starting one on another site - I had planned on keeping this one so I could express more God things.  It is times like these as well that I realize that having this is a good thing for the times I want to verbal process and no one is available.

I was talking with my boss this week and he mentioned something that I semi sort of agreed with, but was too in shock at the time to really wrap my head around it.  Apparently, my mom once thought that she didn't know where I would end up until she realized that I marched to my own drumbeat.  (She must have mentioned this to him while she was in the hospital.)  My boss then proceeded to say I did things my own way, which I do agree with because really...who cares how it gets down as long as it gets done?!

I mentioned to a friend what my mom said about marching to my own drumbeat not too long ago and he agreed that I did.  This is what gives me pause and why I semi sort agree with this statement.  I am disturbed by it being said because with this whole Peace Corps thing - I have prayed and been seeking God in it.  I did not just choose to do this and went for it.  Heck, even after God had told me I was choosing the safe option of missions when I was leaning more towards that instead of the Peace Corps...I still had it in my mind that I was going to do missions!

I don't really know what to do about this, but I do know that next time someone says I march to my own drumbeat - I WILL make sure to state that I march to God's drumbeat for my life! 

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