Monday, August 8, 2011

Numbers 13-14

Church again was amazing.  The pastor talked about the vision he felt God had for the church and projected things out.  He talked about how we needed to"cultivate a culture of expectancy".  "The greatest is ahead of us.  Do not be content with what He has done."  The title of this post is the passage of Scripture used to describe what pastor called 'Three Strategies to Exercise Faith'.
Follow His calling - We need to listen and go and be tuned into what God is calling us to do.
Follow His leading - God does not show everything; just a little bit at a time.  Trust in Him.
follow His Spirit - Caleb had a different spirit and 'follows Me wholeheartedly'.  He went against the status quo and when you have a spirit of faith, the Spirit of God makes amazing things happen.

My thoughts during this went towards my nursing school application.  I almost felt like I should be believing that I will get in this January.  Not that I do not - I am more believing that if it is God's will I will get in and if not, I will not.  Though now that I think about it more, I truly feel that that is God's calling on my life.  Since I feel that is my calling, His leading should mean nursing school though we all know that God is unconventional! Where God will open doors? I will trust that they are His leading.  In the meantime, I am believing that I will be accepted into nursing school!!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Compelling love - live sent

So...I obviously have not written anything in a bit.  I've still been reading through things and while they have still applied and been AMAZING - I have come to realise that I hate not having things to do.  You can only do so much around the house before not feeling like it anymore when that is all you can do.  
I went to women's bible study last night and realised how it was semi-geared towards married women with children, which I am not.  That hit me just like the topic "Missional Living" did.  I have decided though that I do not really care about being the only single person and no children.  This year I want to grow and going to this will enable me to glean from the amazing women at my church!
Anywho, the teacher talked about how "missional living" means "living as if you were sent" just like overseas missionaries are.  Even though we are not overseas, we are still missionaries in our homes, neighborhoods, and work places.  "Missional living" is being compelled to live like Jesus did - all about love.  While marriage and children don't apply to me and actually, work places still does not either - I began thinking about my previous employers in the area I am in now.
While in Australia, I realised how I DID feel like I could be long term in L'Arche.  Previously, I had felt like I wanted to, but due to how circumstances were at the time - I did not see how I could.  I have now realised what I need in order to be able to be long term and this year is processing through what I learned.  For instance, knowing what I know now - if I were to be in a similar situation to what I had been in prior - how would I go about it?
Sitting and listening to the speaker talk on how would different areas of our lives look if we "lived sent" and "compelled by love" caused me to think on how I could love the two people that made the circumstances.  I know at the time, I was not in a space to do anything more than I already did.  Now though? I am in a different spot.  If I were in those circumstances, what could I do?
This is what I have been pondering for a bit.  I do not know, but I know that I would like to figure that out soon as since I still want to remain connected with the guys and girls - those two are still in my life.  Even though I am no longer working for them, how can I love them? Journalling and more thinking are in order!