Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I went to read the book yesterday by Derek Prince I have been slowly working through.  "Bought with Blood" talks about what Jesus did for us when He died on the cross. I have had it for almost 3 weeks now and I am only finishing the 8th chapter which is what I am going to talk about.  There is a lot of great things that I am taking my time going through as its poignant stuff to read. 

This chapter was about how Jesus took the curses on us upon Himself so we could be blessed.  It went deeper than "wages of sin".  Derek Prince wrote on indications of curses, how they come about, and how to break them and claim God's blessing instead on our lives.  Earlier, I had just thought about my housemates.  One in particular who I have a tendency to feel so inadequate around when I compare myself to her.  She does absolutely nothing to make me feel that way - its my own doing - hence the smackdown I received  from God as I was reading through on curses.

I speak curses over my life.  I let others speak curses over my life.  Words have power.  Saying something like "I'm stupid" like I was thinking in comparison to my housemate is a curse I am speaking over my life.  I listen to the bad things people say to me and let it be over me when that IS NOT what God has planned for me! When Jesus died on the cross, He made it so the blessing of Abraham extended to Gentiles, which extends to EVERY area of our lives!

My prayer from this is that I only speak blessings on myself and over others.  I do not want to be responsible for having myself or another person living underneath a curse because of me.  I now see how this could quite possibly be why I have felt called to believe and claim that I will be accepted into nursing school.  In my speaking it, I am speaking a blessing over my life - which is what I SHOULD be doing!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Triumphs and trust

Wow, I did not realise I have not blogged in quite a while! 
Update on my life - I now have 2 jobs.  I work with seniors and as a personal care technician in the float pool at a local hospital.  Technically, I could have 3 jobs but I want to see how often I am called as a personal care technician before assisting with a child who has disabilities.
I recently got back from a family vacation.  It was different as my siblings and I are now the only singles in our family that do not have kids and have not been married.  I enjoyed it though 'cause I was able to talk as an adult with my aunts and uncles.  I was able to see most of my family and at a birthday party for my uncle, I met this girl that at my age had her fourth child!!!

While on my trip, I popped onto my parents my goals before I turn 30.  HEAPS of variables are involved here, but I would like to hopefully get my bachelor's in nursing.  Save money up and at least be in the process of adopting a child with disabilities from Ukraine.  Buy a newer car.  I would like to be married before I am 30 as well, but as there are no prospects atm this is for if I am not married yet.  I would also like to be a foster parent.
More and more I am seeing that while I do want to be married, I am not in the state where I feel like I will be comfortable if a relationship turns serious quickly.  I am open to a relationship eventually becoming serious, but my concern is that the guy will be more into it than me and I do not like that idea.  I am going to continue to trust God and grow in my relationship with Him because He knows what He is doing in and through my life!