Saturday, December 28, 2013


I really don't have anything to post or update, but I've got some downtime during rehearsals and began thinking on things.  Usually, this is dangerous for me to do because it typically results in becoming pretty down on myself - however this time it didn't for a change!

First of all, someone in the future Peace Corps group received their invitation for August recently so I really need to start disregarding what is being said on that count as it obviously varies!  FSO was also mentioned and I hadn't heard of it before so I looked it up.  Foreign Service Officer...

I wasn't able to get much information on what it meant beyond consuls, but it definitely seems interesting.  It made me realize I really don't have much direction beyond possibly 2 years from now and how completely ok with it I am.

I'm still not out of debt and extra expenses are coming up soon.  Yesterday I discovered something I appreciated, but wasn't sure about has probably no longer become that's a weird way of putting it, but I honestly couldn't be happier about it!

So much of what is going on with my life should be stressing me out, but it's not.  Thank You, Lord! I'm me and I'm good with it.  Stephanie, when you read this later and if you're not feeling that - remember this time in rehearsal watching a bunch of talented kids and knowing God has made you how He wants you.

I hope everyone reading this knows how special you are - no matter how inadequate you feel around other people - y'all have things you can do that others cannot.  Have a great day!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas murmurs

I forget sometimes how awkward I can get without even trying.  Practice for a musical I'm in started today and after learning the guy who was going to play my husband was reason was well at least you're not jail bait! Luckily, he took it well but sometimes I may just not need to say anything.

I'm waiting to hear from the Peace Corps.  Some from the Facebook group have begun saying four months out from your nomination date while others' timelines still show a month to a month and a half after pre clearance you receive contact from Placement.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and is enjoying this holiday season! I will continue posting updates as I get them and wait. Yeah for my all As this semester and here's to another one, graduation, and no debt!

Sunday, December 15, 2013


No recent posts due to focusing on finals and nothing really to update until now!

I recently joined the Future Peace Corps Volunteer group on Facebook.  Someone posted that they had been invited to the country and sector at the same month and year as I have been nominated.  There may be more positions available at that time...I just do not know.  Also, the person mentioned they had submitted their application in April of this year...this makes me think that the process currently takes longer than one year and I possibly will not leave until 2015 if I receive an invitation.

:-D Just as I am typing this, I receive an e-mail!!! I AM FINALLY LEGALLY PRE-CLEARED!!! Someone else in the Placement Office sent me an e-mail about my credit card debt and what I needed to do if I still had it at the time of invitation.  I sent them an e-mail letting them know that I would update them as I paid it off.

Now, hopefully soon I will receive a questionnaire involving the Health Sector.  They will also apparently ask for updated information.  

Previously, I have not wanted to read other peoples' blogs about their Peace Corps experience or look into it because I do not want to have expectations.  When I went to Australia, I knew the basic job of what I was going to do, but that was it.  I loved not having any preconceived notions, etc.  

I still feel the same way, but since it seems like things have not been moving along until just recently - I did decide to look at others' processes to see what to expect.  I have discovered how awesome it is to have people going along the same steps that you are as you set out towards a common purpose.  As I can, I will probably (if I do end up going) read others' blogs about their experiences as they post them.

One thing I discovered is that a person was nominated for the Health Sector, but was then told that they were not competitive enough for the role.  This gives me pause as I do not think I am eligible for anything else - however, I will have 2+ years experience in the health field and have 5 years working in group homes for people with disabilities.  I think and hope that this experience will make me competitive!